Catalogo Generale - General Catalogue (Ed.59)
ATTREZZATURE | EQUIPMENT Aggraffatrici | Crimping tools Meccaniche | Mechanical
128 143 144 150 153 158 160 163 165 168 169 173 177 180
Pneumatiche | Pneumatic Oleodinamiche | Hydraulic
Testate | Heads
Matrici | Dies
Tranciacavi e tranciafuni | Cable cutters and wire rope cutters Meccaniche | Mechanical
Oleodinamiche | Hydraulic
Testate | Heads
Foratrici | Drillers
Meccaniche | Mechanical Oleodinamiche | Hydraulic
Testate | Heads
Fustelle | Punchers
Multitesta | Multihead
Centraline | Pumps
PRESSACAVI | CABLE-GLANDS In nylon | Nylon Passo metrico | Metric thread
Passo PG | PG thread Passo gas | Gas thread
In ottone | Brass
Passo metrico | Metric thread
200 202 205 206
Passo PG | PG thread Passo gas | Gas thread
Tappi di chiusura | Stop-ends
FASCETTE | CABLE-TIES In nylon | Nylon
209 220
In velcro | Velcro In acciaio | Steel
GUAINE | CABLE PROTECTION Basso spessore 2:1 | Thin wall 2:1 Basso spessore 3:1 | Thin wall 3:1
225 230
Accessori | Accessories
NASTRI ISOLANTI | ELECTRICAL TAPES In pvc | Electrical tapes Autoagglomerante | Self-amalgamating
235 238
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