Generalni Katalog - General Catalogue (Ed.59)


Logotip dokazuje, da je proizvod pridobil prostovoljni certifikat varnosti s strani zasebne kanadske organizacije CSA (Canadian Standards Association). The logo means that the product obtained voluntary safety certification from the Canadian Private Organization Canadian CSA (Canadian Standards Association).

Logotip dokazuje, da je proizvod pridobil prostovoljni certifikat varnosti s strani zasebne ameriške organizacije UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.). Če poleg logotipa niso prisotne črke, certifikat velja samo za trg Združenih držav Amerike. Če je prisotna samo črka “C”, certifikat velja samo za trg Kanade. Če sta prisotni dve oznaki, “C” in “US”, certifikat velja tako za trg Kanade kot za trg Združenih držav Amerike. The logo means that the product obtained the voluntary safety certification from the private American organization UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.). If there are no letters near the logo, it means that certification is valid only in US market. If there is only “C”, it means that certification is valid only in Canada market. If there are “C” and “US”, it means that certification is valid both in the Canadian and US markets. Logotip dokazuje, da je komponenta pridobila prostovoljni certifikat varnosti s strani zasebne ameriške organizacije UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.). Organizacija UL opredeljuje, ali je določen artikel razvrščen kot končni proizvod ali kot komponenta. Če poleg logotipa niso prisotne črke, certifikat velja samo za trg Združenih držav Amerike. Če je prisotna samo črka “C”, certifikat velja samo za trg Kanade. Če sta prisotni dve oznaki, “C” in “US”, certifikat velja tako za trg Kanade kot za trg Združenih držav Amerike. The logo means that the component obtained the voluntary safety certification from the private American organization UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.). It is UL that determines whether a finished item is classifiable as a finished product or as a component. If there are no letters near the logo, it means that certification is valid only in US market. If there is only “C”, it means that certification is valid only in Canada market. If there are “C” and “US”, it means that certification is valid both in the Canadian and US markets.

Logotip dokazuje, da je proizvod pridobil prostovoljni certifikat varnosti s strani nemške organizacije VDE (Verband der Elektrotechnik). The logo means that the product obtained the voluntary safety certification by the German VDE (Verband der Elektrotechnik).

Logotip dokazuje, da je proizvod pridobil prostovoljni certifikat varnosti s strani danskega društva DEMKO (Denmark’s Electrical Equipment Control). Trenutno je DEMKO del skupine UL. The logo means that the product obtained the voluntary safety certification from the Danish DEMKO (Denmark’s Electrical Equipment Control). DEMKO is currently part of the UL group.

Logotip dokazuje, da je proizvod pridobil prostovoljni certifikat varnosti s strani italijanske ustanove IMQ. The logo means that the product obtained the voluntary safety certification from the Italian IMQ body.

Logotip dokazuje, da je proizvod pridobil certifikat z nadzorom za proizvode, ki ne spadajo v kategorije pod oznako IMQ. The logo means that the product obtained the certificate with surveillance for products not included in categories covered by IMQ mark schemes.

Logotip dokazuje, da je proizvod pridobil prostovoljni certifikat varnosti s strani zasebne norveške organizacije Nemko (Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll). The logo means that the product obtained the voluntary safety certification from the Norwegian private organization Nemko (Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll).

Logotip dokazuje, da je proizvod pridobil prostovoljni certifikat varnosti s strani švedskega društva Semko (Svenska Elektriska Materielkontrollanstalten). The logo means that the product obtained the voluntary safety certification from the Swedish company Semko (Svenska Elektriska Materielkontrollanstalten).

Logotip ENEC, ki je kratica za European Norms Electrical Certification, je prostovoljna oznaka kakovosti, ki potrjuje skladnost z vrsto harmoniziranih standardov električne varnosti (EN). Številka poleg logotipa označuje certifikacijski organ, ki je izdal oznako. Številka 03 na primer označuje Italijanski inštitut za znak kakovosti. The ENEC logo, acronym for European Norms Electrical Certification, is a voluntary quality label that certifies compliance with a set of harmonized electrical safety standards (EN). Near the logo there is a number that represents the certification body that issued it. For example, 03 is the one of the Italian Institute of Quality Mark. (*) Prostovoljni certifikati proizvodov obstajajo zaradi potrebe podjetij, da jamčijo skladnost in učinkovitost svojega proizvoda v razmerju do priznanih predpisov ali lastniških standardov ter na ta način okrepijo vrednost svoje ponudbe na trgu in pridobijo večje zaupanje potencialnih strank. (*) Product voluntary certification is the result of the need for companies to ensure the compliance and performance of their product, in accordance with recognized or proprietary standards, enhancing and diversifying their offer on the market and increasing the confidence of their potential customers.


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